We’re all in this together. Raising Black Voices because Black Lives more than Matter!


Books: My favorites


Black and trans

The story of transformation. An autobiography of a trans woman of color’s journey to becoming her true self and all the trials, tribulations and joys along the way.


For white people and white passing POC

A guided journey for understanding and acknowledging privilege in our own lives and in society as a whole. This book is a deep dive into our own biases, and if you really do the work, you will come out the other side transformed.


Black and Poly

A superhero novel starring two queer, poly heroes of color where finally the drama isn’t about a love triangle, but instead about the fact that they are fighting for different teams!

Coaches and Practitioners


Keisha Delva is an everything coach. Focusing her efforts to support black and brown women thrive, she also supports all women in their journeys to liberation through business and spirituality coaching.

Offerings: 1:1 coaching and events (see instagram for more information).

“I help women, like you, put and end to habits like people- pleasing and playing small, which are holding you back in creating your extraordinary life on your terms, I help you to dream bigger, unapologetically express yourself and own your desires. In addition, I help you shed years of fear, limiting beliefs and social conditioning so that you can finally step into your power as a woman, leader and queen.”

Anayza "There must be something more than this." Was a sort of mantra for me about a decade ago. This feeling that there was more to what I saw around me, more to me. This question led me to the deepest parts of myself, of consciousness, and mutildimensional unfolding. Through meditation and deep self inquiry my intuition opened and my Soul revealed themselves to me. I found that there is more than this, that I Am the more. I came in touch with the dynamic miracle of existence and Life. And I am so passionate about sharing that remembrance with others.

Offering: As an intuitive energy healer, channel, facilitator of somatic ritual, and teacher of deepening intuition. I support people to remember and feel the presence of their wholeness. To re-member themselves from their ancestral lineages and soul lands - to deeply understand the space our patterns are coming from to have a deeper capacity to realize the Self. I am passionate about living in a world with a conscious, vibrant connection to Soul, to ourSelves, to Love.




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